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2023-10-05 16:34| 发布者: | 查看: | 评论: 0









1. 坚持正确政治方向,具有爱国奉献精神;坚持立德树人,恪守高校教师职业行为准则、学术道德规范。

2. 创新发展潜力较大,符合学校学科发展需要,具有强烈的事业心、责任感和团队合作精神。

3. 身体健康,能全职在hbs红宝石平台工作,年龄一般不超过35周岁,女性申请人可放宽2岁;人文社会科学领域可适当放宽,原则上不超过40周岁。

4. 具有良好教育背景,在国内外知名高校或研究机构获得博士学位。


1. 教授


2. 副教授


3. 助理教授



1. 薪酬待遇:聘期6年内,可享受“百人计划”岗位津贴。助理教授综合年薪60万元起,副教授综合年薪69万元起,教授综合年薪83万元起;可同时享受鹏城孔雀计划特聘岗位C档岗位津贴24万元/年;满足深圳市新引进博士人才条件者,可申领生活补贴10万元。

2. 工作条件:提供适宜的办公场所和实验场地;配套科研启动经费100-330万元;聘为博士生导师,聘期前三年平均每年分配不少于1个硕士研究生指标,优先分配博士研究生指标;支持组建团队,配备1名专职研究人员;实行长周期考核机制,鼓励潜心学术研究。

3. 福利保障:优先提供租金优惠的周转住房,符合条件者可享受深圳市人才房政策;提供完善的教育配套资源hbs红宝石平台附属教育集团下辖4所中学、4所小学和3所幼儿园;提供优质的医疗服务,学校下设2所三甲标准的综合医院;协助办理广东省“人才优粤卡”和深圳市“鹏城优才卡”,享受广东省及深圳市提供的人才安居、医疗保健、子女入学、出入境等方面的一站式人才配套服务。







Shenzhen University “Hundred Talents Program” Recruitment Announcement

About SZU

Shenzhen University (SZU) was established in 1983 with the approval of the Ministry of Education and the support of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Renmin University of China. It is a model university selected by the Ministry of Education to deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education, as well as a key university in Guangdong Province for the construction of high-level universities. Characterized by its commitment to serve the development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, demonstrate China’s reform and opening up and pioneer change in higher education, SZU has kept pace with the development of Shenzhen over the past four decades. With the implementation of the development strategy of high-level university construction, SZU has become one of the fastest-rising universities in Mainland China and a distinctive high-level comprehensive university that enjoys a strong reputation and influence both in China and across the globe.

Currently SZU has 45,193 students and 4,205 faculty members, among whom 2,709 are full-time teachers. There are 1,104 post-doctoral fellows and 670 full-time researchers. There are 175 high-level talents at the national level (including 26 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 30 academicians from developed countries), and 2,093 high-level talents at the municipal level.

Disciplinary Development

SZU boasts a complete and comprehensive set of disciplines. Home to 27 colleges, SZU provides a wide array of programs in 11 disciplines including philosophy, literature, economics, law, education, science, engineering, management, medicine, history and art. There are 39 first grade authorized disciplines to award master’s degrees, 17 authorized disciplines to award doctoral degrees, 14 post-doctoral research stations and one post-doctoral workstation. So far, a total of 18 disciplines are listed among the top 1% in ESI, among which engineering, material science and computer science rank ESI global top 1.

Research Facilities

SZU provides strong research facility support. There are 5 national key laboratories, 3 national engineering laboratories, 1 international cooperation base of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1 national engineering technology research center, 2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 1 joint laboratory of the Ministry of Education, 1 collaborative innovation center of the Ministry of Education, 1 key laboratory of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and 12 key laboratories of Guangdong Province.


1. Adhere to the correct political orientation with the spirit of patriotic dedication; carry out the task of fostering virtue through education, and abide by the code of professional conduct and academic ethics.

2. Have high potential for innovation and development, meet the needs of the university’s development, and have a strong sense of enterprise, responsibility and teamwork.

3. Be in good health and able to work full-time at SZU; age limit: 35 years (37 years for female applicants); the maximum age limit can be relaxed for applicants in the field of humanities and social sciences, but shall not exceed 40 years.

4. Have a good educational background and have obtained a doctoral degree from a renowned university or research institution.


1. Professor

Have experience of working as associate professor or above in well-known universities or research institutions in China, or hold an official teaching position in famous overseas universities; have cutting edge research achievements and academic influence; be able to independently develop an academic direction; rank top among scholars of the same age group in the field of his/her discipline in terms of academic level and development potential.

2. Associate Professor

Have more than 2 years of scientific research experience in well-known universities or research institutions; have outstanding research achievements; rank top among scholars of the same age group in the field of his/her discipline in terms of academic level and development potential.

3. Assistant Professor

Have strong research skills, sense of innovation, teamwork and development potential; have influential research achievements; rank top among scholars of the same age group in the field of his/her discipline in terms of academic level.

Remuneration and Benefits

1. Remuneration

Successful candidates will enjoy the remuneration of the “Hundred Talents Program” within 6 years of the appointment period. Comprehensive annual salary for assistant professors is RMB 600,000 and above; associate professors, RMB 690,000 and above; full professors, RMB 830,000 and above. Successful candidates can also enjoy the allowance of RMB 240,000 per year for Class-C talents of the Pengcheng Peacock Plan. Those who satisfy the conditions for newly introduced doctoral talents in Shenzhen are eligible to apply for a living subsidy of RMB 100,000 yuan.

2. Working conditions

SZU shall provide adequate office and laboratory space, as well as research start-up funds ranging from RMB one million to RMB 3.3 million. Those appointed as PhD supervisor will be assigned at least one admission quota of master’s students each year for the first three years of the appointment period and shall enjoy the priority of obtaining the admission quota of PhD students. Successful candidates are encouraged to build a team and one full-time researcher will be appointed for the team. A long-term assessment mechanism will be employed to facilitate academic research.

3. Benefits

University-owned apartments with affordable rents will be preferentially provided to the candidates, and those who meet relevant requirements can also enjoy Shenzhen’s talent housing policy. SZU provides complete education services for the children of faculty and staff with three kindergartens, four primary schools and four secondary schools under the SZU Affiliated Education Group. SZU also provides high-quality healthcare services with its two affiliated Grade 3A hospitals. Assistance will be offered to the candidates in their application for the “Guangdong Talent Card” and Shenzhen’s “Pengcheng Talent Card” so that they can enjoy the one-stop talent support services provided by Guangdong Province and Shenzhen in terms of talent housing, medical care, children’s school enrollment and entry and exit.


Interested parties please go to the SZU Talent Recruitment Platform at http://zp.szu.edu.cn (click Faculty Recruitment Hundred Talents Program Apply).


Ms. Hu (Human Resources Department)

Contact number: 0755-26534449

Email: szuhr@szu.edu.cn

